The flagship 6-Core quad-processor SuperServer 8000 Series boasts the highest performance per watt in the industry. Featuring the Intel® Xeon® Processor 7400 Series and supporting up to 192GB of fully buffered DDR2 667 or 533 MHz memory via 24 DIMM slots, the SuperServer 8000 Series is designed to specialize in virtualization with an expanded memory capacity capable of boosting performance for a wide range of applications.


Key Features

1. Quad Intel® 64-bit Xeon® MP
Support 1066 MHz FSB
2. Intel® 7300 (Clarksboro) Chipset
3. Up to 192GB DDR2 ECC FB-DIMM
(Fully Buffered DIMM)
4. Intel® 82575EB Dual-port
Gigabit Ethernet Controller
5. 6x SATA (3 Gbps) Ports via ESB2
6. 1 (x8) PCI-e (using X16 slot),
1 (x8) PCI-e (using x8 slot) &
1 (x4) PCI-e (using x8 slot)
1x 64-bit 133MHz PCI-X
7. ATI ES1000 Graphics with
32MB video memory
8। IPMI 2.0 (SIMSO) Slot